[FoME] Center for Media and Communication Studies, Budapest
Arne Hintz
arne.hintz at web.de
Do Apr 3 16:04:39 CEST 2008
Liebe Listenmitglieder,
auf Anraten von Christoph Dietz möchte ich mich auch mal kurz
vorstellen. Mein Name ist Arne Hintz und ich arbeite am Center for Media
and Communication Studies (CMCS) an der Central European University
(CEU) in Budapest. Ich habe in Hamburg promoviert und beschäftige mich
theoretisch und praktisch mit Community- und Alternativmedien,
Medienaktivismus, Zivilgesellschaft, zivilgesellschaftlicher
Partizipation in Policyprozessen, und internationaler Kommunikationspolitik.
Das CMCS macht Forschungsprojekte, Konferenzen und Veranstaltungen zu
diesen und ähnlichen Themen, mit einem Schwerpunkt auf Medienpolitik.
Entwicklungspolitische und Nord-Süd Themen wollen wir in Zukunft
ebenfalls ausbauen, z.B. planen wir für kommendes Jahr eine Summer
School zu Medien und Entwicklung (in diesem Sommer findet eine zu
Medien, Demokratisierung und Zivilgesellschaft statt). Momentan haben
wir gerade eine Delegation jordanischer Medienvertreter zu Gast, für die
wir ein zweiwöchiges Besuchsprogramm zu Medien und Medienpolitik in
Zentral-/Osteuropa zusammengestellt haben.
Weiter unten finden Sie / findet ihr den aktuellen Newsletter des CMCS.
Vielleicht gibt es ja Überschneidungen mit den Interessen des einen oder
der anderen.
Beste Grüße,
Arne Hintz
Dear friends and supporters,
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,
We would like to share with you the latest information about past and
future activities of the Center for Media and Communication Studies
(CMCS) at the Central European University (CEU) in Budapest. CMCS is
currently conducting a number of high-profile research projects and is
planning several events. We hope that some of these are of interest to
you, and we are looking forward to your feedback and involvement.
CMCS newsletter 1/2008
1. Media Pluralism Study commences
2. Jordanian media professionals study tour hosted by CMCS
3. Upcoming workshop on community radio and access to digital infrastructure
4. Past workshop "From Samizdat to Blogging"
5. Conference "Two Decades After the Fall"
6. Public lectures at CEU
7. Upcoming summer school on "Media, Democratization and Civil Society"
8. Academic programs and courses at CEU
9. CMCS Visiting Fellows
10. CMCS out and about
11. Other activities
1. Media Pluralism Study commences
29 January saw the kick-off meeting for the study "Indicators for media
pluralism in the Member States - towards a risk-based approach" in
Brussels. Members of the consortium that has been requested to conduct
the study - including Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (project leader),
CMCS/CEU, Ernst & Young Belgium, and Jönköping International Business
School - agreed on the details of the research process with
representatives of the European Commission.
Currently, the research teams are in the process of developing the first
set of indicators. CMCS is coordinating a research team on social
indicators for media pluralism which includes Miklos Sükösd (CEU, CMCS),
Laura Ranca (CEU, CMCS), Beata Klimkiewicz (Jagellonian University,
Poland), Brankica Petkovic (Peace Institute, Slovenia), Sandra Hrvatin
(Ljubljana University) and Artemon Vogl (Corvinus University Budapest).
2. Jordanian study tour hosted by CMCS
A delegation of media professionals from Jordan will visit Budapest in
the first two weeks of April. The study tour, entitled "Media Systems in
a Comparative Perspective", will explore a wide variety of issues
related to liberalization of the media sector in Central and Eastern
Europe with a special emphasis on Hungary. The tour is part of a
multi-year USAID-funded Jordan Media Strengthening Program lead by CMCS
Chair Professor Monroe Price and the Center for Global Communication
Studies at the Annenberg School for Communication. The delegation is
hosted by the CMCS and will attend a comprehensive agenda. Participants
will be provided with the opportunity to study media regulation,
industries, and practices in Hungary and exchange their views with
relevant stakeholders.
3. Upcoming workshop on community radio and access to digital infrastructure
CMCS is the recipient of a grant from the European Science Foundation to
hold an Exploratory Workshop on "Access to communication and democratic
media structures in the digital environment" on 13-15 May. The workshop
will bring together leading media scholars, social scientists, policy
makers, technical experts and community media practitioners to discuss
the impact of digitization on community media policy and practice. The
workshop will follow up debates from last year's event "Broadcasting
Community: a Workshop on Policies in Europe". It is the latest workshop
in an emerging series of CMCS multi-stakeholder events that bring
together academics and practitioners.
4. Past workshop "From Samizdat to Blogging"
CMCS actively participated in a workshop which took place at the Open
Society Archives in Budapest, 20-21 February, and which explored the
history of alternative media in Central/Eastern Europe as well as new
forms of political expression in the age of globalization. CMCS Director
Arne Hintz and Research Fellow Kate Coyer co-chaired roundtables on the
role of radio and on politics of/on the Internet.
The workshop was organized in collaboration with the International
Alternative Culture Center (IACC), the Curriculum Resource Center (CRC)
of CEU and the international research project "Alternative Culture
Beyond Borders: Past and Present of the Arts and Media in the Context of
Globalization". The CMCS will continue to collaborate with other
partners of the Alternative Culture program on future events.
5. Conference "Two Decades After the Fall"
CMCS, the European research network "East of West: Setting a New Central
and Eastern European Media Research Agenda" and the International
Communications Association (ICA) have teamed up to organize a conference
on the development of media and communications in Central/Eastern Europe
within the past 20 years and on likely future trajectories, tentatively
entitled "Two Decades After the Fall: Communications Research on the
consequences of Transition". A conference call will be published
shortly; the conference is to take place in June 2009.
6. Public lectures
CMCS has continued its successful series of public lectures at CEU.
Recent events included a discussion by Elizabeth Bucar and Barbara Falk
on "Free Speech in WEBlogistan", focusing on the experiences of blogging
in Iran, and a talk by Amy Walter (The Hotline) on "U.S. Elections '08:
Current Situation and a Look Ahead" which was organized in collaboration
with the Embassy of the United States and included opening remarks by
U.S. Ambassador April H. Foley.
Forthcoming public speeches include the distinguished media scholar and
CMCS Chair Monroe E. Price on "Satellite Signals in a World of New
Information Borders" and Professor Colin Bennett on "The Privacy
Advocates: Resisting the Spread of Surveillance".
7. Upcoming Summer School "Media, Democratization and Civil Society"
The summer school on "Media, Democratization and Civil Society", which
CMCS, the Annenberg School for Communication at the University of
Pennsylvania and the COST research network "East of West" will hold from
16 to 27 June 2008, has attracted an overwhelming number of highly
qualified and interesting applicants from all over the world, including
India, Latin America, China, Australia, and of course Central/Eastern
Europe. The school will discuss the role of media and civil society in
democratization processes, as well as the democratization of media and
communications; it will explore the involvement of civil society in
policy debates and reform; it will analyze current issues in
Central/Eastern Europe, such as media pluralism and the emergence of
public service broadcasting; and it will explore the role of grassroots
and citizen-based communication models, community media and community
ICT networks.
Directly after this summer school, the Annenberg School for
Communication will hold its fourth annual Annenberg-Oxford Summer
Institute on "Global Media Policy: Technology and New Themes in Media
Regulation" at St. Peter's College, Oxford.
8. Academic programs and courses at CEU
For the academic year 2008/2009 there has been a large number of
applicants interested in becoming admitted to the MA in Public Policy in
order to specialize on the "Media, Information and Communications Policy
Stream", and to the MA in Political Science aiming for the certificate
in "Political Communication".
In the past semester, CMCS staff taught courses on "Nationalism and the
Media", "Information Privacy Protection", "Intellectual
Property Protection in Cyberspace" and "Global Media, Governance and
Civil Society".
9. CMCS Visiting Fellows
CMCS is expanding its Visiting Fellows program which allows PhD students
and young scholars to conduct research on innovative fields in media and
communication. In the past three months, CMCS hosted the following
Visiting Fellows: Oliver Leistert ("Data Retention on the Internet"),
Mojca Plansak ("Digital Broadcasting") and Angelika Wyka ("The role of
the mass media in the process of transformation in Poland, Hungary and
the Czech Republic").
10. CMCS out and about
New book alert: The Handbook of Alternative Media (Routledge 2007),
co-edited by CMCS Research Fellow Kate Coyer, Tony Dowmunt and Alan
Fountain. The book theorizes and outlines the different types of
'alternative media' and offers an overview of global alternative media
activity, before moving on to provide practical information about
alternative media production.
CMCS Research Fellow Peter Molnar is currently teaching a comparative
course on freedom of information (FOI) and freedom of speech as a
Fulbright Fellow at Cardozo School of Law. While in New York, Molnar has
been representing CMCS at many conferences and events - including an
upcoming event that he initiated at Cardozo on freedom of speech in
Rwanda - and has been organizing a comparative project on the freedom to
criticize public officials and public figures, which id supported by the
Media Freedom Representative of the OSCE, the Media Law Resource Center,
the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and the Hungarian Civil
Liberties Union (HCLU).
In February, CMCS Chair Monroe Price and Kate Coyer helped coordinate
and facilitate sessions at the first annual Necessary Knowledge Workshop
at the Annenberg School for Communication, University of Pennsylvania.
The workshop was convened by the Social Science Research Council (SSRC)
and aimed at fostering academic-advocacy research collaborations that
are designed to change media / telecommunications infrastructure,
practices, or policies.
11. Other activities
CMCS continues to coordinate the Cost A30 network "East of West: Setting
a New Central Eastern European Media Research Agenda" which brings
together more than 60 leading European researchers from more than 20
different countries, and its involvement in the collaborative project
"Civicweb". More information on these and other activities is available
on the center's website http://cmcs.ceu.hu.
CMCS is a center of excellence for promoting media and communication
studies throughout the Central and Eastern European region. Based at the
Central European University (CEU) in Budapest, it conducts cutting-edge
practice-oriented research, organizes workshops, lectures and
conferences on current developments in the field, and operates within an
international network of acclaimed scholars and academic institutions.
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