[FoME] Tagung "Governance by Evaluation" in Wien März 2008, call for proposals

Jan Lublinski lublinski at aol.com
Mo Sep 24 15:20:31 CEST 2007

Liebe Kollegen,

diese Woche befassen wir uns auf unserem FOME-Symposium ja intensiv mit 
Evaluation, und da möchte ich Euch/Ihnen folgende Einladung von Judith 
Galla weiterleiten:


Jan Lublinski

we are currently preparing a conference in Vienna (Austria) on the topic of "Governance by Evaluation: Institutional Capacities and Learning for Sustainable Development". I thought that some of you  might be interested in joining us as one of the issues dealt with will be methodological challenges and innovations for sustainable development evaluations.

The conference is going to take place in Vienna 11-14 March 2008.

Please find more information on the conference website 

and in the call for papers which is still open until 10 October 2007

Grants for participants are available!

Best regards,

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