[FoME] Mianeh - neue webbasierte Platform für Berichterstattung aus und über Iran

Sofie Jannusch sofie.jannusch at CAMECO.ORG
Do Okt 25 16:49:48 CEST 2007

Dear Reader,
Please find direct links to the latest articles and media monitoring reports published on Mianeh (Middle)- IWPR's new web-based initiative to promote dialogue, debate and understanding in and on Iran.
Mianeh seeks to platform analysis, unique reporting and different voices from inside Iran, while developing international reporting standards. A new podcasting service and discussion forum are soon to launch and we encourage you to visit the site (http://www.mianeh.net/ <http://www.mianeh.net/en/> ) and subscribe to the free e-mail service, available in both English and Farsi.
Subscribe here <http://www.mianeh.net/en/articles/?aid=22> 
The Mianeh team at IWPR
Weekly Iran Media Report <http://www.mianeh.net/en/media%5Freports/> 

A. Sofie Jannusch
Catholic Media Council
P.O.Box 10 21 04
52021 Aachen
Fon: **49-241-70 13 12 12
skype: sofie.jannusch
Fax:  **49-241-70 13 12 33
Email: sofie.jannusch at cameco.org 
Internet: http://www.cameco.org
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