[FoME] UNESCO Publication: Journalism Curricula for Developing Countries and Emerging Democracies

Christoph Dietz christoph.dietz at CAMECO.ORG
Di Jun 26 11:05:16 CEST 2007

26-06-2007 (Paris)

Model Curricula for Journalism Education for Developing Countries & Emerging Democracies
Paris: UNESCO, 2007, 148 p.
Download: http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0015/001512/151209E.pdf

Journalism schools in developing countries can now use a model journalism curriculum as a benchmark. UNESCO has produced a document on model journalism curricula which is launched in Singapore at the World Journalism Education Congress today. The document was prepared after year-long consultations with university faculties, journalist training organizations, newspaper industries and journalism education associations. 

The proposed Journalism Curricula is a generic model that can be adapted according to each country's specific needs. It takes full cognizance of the social, economic, political and cultural contexts of developing countries and emerging democracies, highlighting the connection between democracy and journalism and arguing for a more cross-disciplinary approach within journalism training centres. 

The curricula document will be translated into French, Spanish, Arabic, Russian and several other languages. The document will be published and widely distributed among journalism schools in developing countries and emerging democracies, as well as being posted on UNESCO's website. The website will feature links to a database of courses and programs and will provide an interactive forum for journalism educators and others to discuss the curricula and other issues further. 

UNESCO is planning to organize a number of regional meetings to discuss how to adapt the curricula to the needs and resources of different countries, improve capacities of teachers/trainers and develop national bibliographies. 

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