[FoME] DW South Asia Fellowship

Tobias.Grote-Beverborg at dw-world.de Tobias.Grote-Beverborg at dw-world.de
Do Feb 22 17:05:47 CET 2007

Ein Hinweis in eigener Sache:

DW South Asia Fellowship
Deutsche Welle Radio (DW) is launching a South Asia Fellowship Programme
for 2007.
Young South Asian journalists will have the opportunity of spending six
months in
Deutsche Welle's South Asian editorial departments (Hindi, Urdu, Bengali
and English)
as guest reporters.

The aim of the programme is to give ambitious journalists from India a
understanding of the German international broadcaster's daily operations
during their
stay in Bonn.

Apart from daily radio work, the young journalists will be offered a
journalistic training programme.

Reporting trips will enable further insights into Germany's social,
economic and cultural

The Deutsche Welle fellows will also be able to work as correspondents,
reporting about
Germany for their editors and producers in South Asia.

The programme is open to journalists aged 25 to 35, who are already
employed as
editors, reporters, or freelancers by a South Asian media organisation.
Applicants do not
have to have German skills but they must speak perfect Hindi, Urdu or
Bengali, as well
as have excellent English.

- How to apply -
Deutsche Welle (DW) - Germany’s international broadcaster - has launched a
programme giving young South Asian journalists (aged 25 to 35) the
opportunity to work at
its Bonn broadcasting centre for six months.

Fellows will work in South Asian Service of DW-Radio (Bengali, Hindi, Urdu
& English) and
will be expected to contribute to the Department’s SOUTHASIA.DE website.

Fellows will earn 1,500 EURO a month. DW will pay travel expenses and offer
assistance in
finding accommodation.

Applications including a CV and work samples in MP-3 format should be sent
grahame.lucas at dw-world.de and cvd.asien at dw-world.de

What you can expect from a fellowship at Deutsche Welle
• Work as a member of a dynamic, multinational team with a European and
perspective on news
• Assist in setting the news agenda, planning for specific news events,
interviews and preparing in-depth reports
• Broaden your writing skills by covering a variety of different current
affairs topics with
a strong focus not only on Asia but also on Germany and Europe
• Work as a field reporter on assignments in Germany/Europe
• Learn how to use state-of-the-art technology in the radio and online

What we expect of fellows at Deutsche Welle
• Perfect command of one of the following South Asian languages:
Hindi, Bengali or Urdu
• Fluent English
• Journalistic training and/ or work experience in journalism
• Flexibility and the willingness to try out different areas of journalism
and different
writing styles
• Good knowledge of current German and European affairs
• Familiarity with radio production processes and the Internet

T. Grote-Beverborg
Chef vom Dienst Asien / Managing Editor Asia Programs
Deutsche Welle Radio
D-53110 Bonn
Tel.: +49.(0)228.429-4704
Fax: +49.(0)228.429-4700
Mobil: +49.(0)173.7264291
tobias.grote-beverborg at dw-world.de
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