[FoME] WG: ARTICLE 19 Publishes Freedom of Expression Checklist

Barbara Thomaß barbara.thomass at ruhr-uni-bochum.de
Mi Nov 8 11:36:58 CET 2006

… dies sollte von Interesse sein.

Beste Grüße



Prof. Dr. Barbara Thomaß

Geschäftsführende Direktorin

Institut für Medienwissenschaft

Ruhr-Universität Bochum

Gebäude GA 2/138

44780 Bochum

Tel.: + 49 234 32 24761

Fax: + 49 234 32 14241



Von: Article19 Press Release [mailto:press at article19.org] 
Gesendet: Montag, 6. November 2006 19:07
An: Barbara.Thomass at rub.de
Betreff: ARTICLE 19 Publishes Freedom of Expression Checklist




For immediate release - 6 November 2006

ARTICLE 19 Publishes Checklist for the Implementation of Declaration of
Principles on Freedom of Expression in Africa

ARTICLE 19 today published a checklist specifically designed for civil
society organisations in Africa and elsewhere who wish to conduct a thorough
analysis of the implementation status of the African Union’s ‘Declaration of
Principles on Freedom of Expression in Africa’. The checklist allows civil
society organizations working on issues relating to freedom of expression
and access to information to establish the deficiencies in terms of concrete
provisions for the fulfilment and protection of freedom of expression. For
this reason some of the questions cover areas broader than the issue of
freedom of expression itself. The checklist interprets each article of the
Declaration in a comprehensive manner, providing substantial details on how
freedom of expression should be fulfilled and provided for. 

The checklist can therefore be used for the following exercises:

1) Researching and writing shadow reports to be submitted to the African
Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights 

2) Establishing areas of focus for freedom of expression campaigns and
advocacy initiatives to influence policy or legislative reviews.

The checklist can be downloaded at

For more information, please contact John Barker, Africa Programme Director,
+44 20 7278 9292. E-mail address: johnb at article19.org



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