Klussmann clues at t-online.de
Fr Jun 23 15:50:39 CEST 2006

----- Original Message ----- 
From: drmanju 

Dear Sir / Madam,

For the past three years we have been working on a project to establish a 
University of Mass Communication in Nepal. The initiative was taken by the 
College of Journalism and Mass Communication and was pursued by me with a 
lot of zeal and enthusiasm. During the royal regime the government 
authorities were unable to make a decision and the responses were somewhat 
lukewarm. But, with the re-establishment of democracy the prospects look 
very positive and we think this is the time to move ahead with re-newed 
zeal. The political leaders of the seven party alliance and the relevant 
ministers are already beginning to discuss our application with interest. The 
project hopes to elevate the College of Journalism and Mass Communication 
into a full-fledged University of Journalism, thus becoming South Asia's 
first university to offer courses in journalism exclusively.

The proposal which I have handed over to the political leaders focus on the 
following important aspects of this venture:

*That the university will become an important landmark not just in Nepal but 
in the whole South Asian region where such a specialized center of higher 
education does not exist.

*Out of 14 universities that exist in Nepal today this is the first one 
initiated by a woman. This should be considered significant in the light of 
the emphasis given by the present government on women empowerment.

*This university can also function as an umbrella organization in the 
education and training of journalists from around the country. The need for 
such an organization to unify the training of journalists is deeply felt.

*The university of Mass Communication will be able to function efficiently 
only when it has  an adequately developed infrainstructure with a digital 
lab, video documentary library, FM radio and television stations,  video 
editing lab and such other facilities where journalists and technicians 
working in the modern media will be able to learn both theoretical and 
practical aspects of the media. It is for this reason that we are drawing 
the attention of international media community. Without international support 
such a venture would, at the present stage of the country's economy, be a 
mere dream.

*My concentration at the present time is on receiving the permission to 
establish the university but, as I have already explained, once the 
university is registered we would like to move ahead with the development of 
the infrastructure, curriculum planning, recruitment of academic and 
administrative personnel and a general publicity throughout the SAARC region.
I feel, that my background in education and knowledge and skill in the use 
of various languages will help me in leading this university both in its 
development and functioning.

This letter is intended to draw the attention of the international community 
to a very exciting venture that is presently in the offing in Nepal. It is 
also intended to draw your attention to the need for support in the various 
stages of its development.

I will keep you posted with information as things being to develop and 
will, from time to time, seek your support in its development.

I wish to thank you in anticipation of support in a project of great 
significance in the development of a free, independent and pluralistic media 
in Nepal.

Sincerely yours,

Dr. Manju Mishra
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