[FoME] European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA)
Leo Van Audenhove
Leo.Van.Audenhove at vub.ac.be
Fr Jun 9 20:30:53 CEST 2006
Lieber Herr Dietz,
Liebe Koleg(Inn)en,
ich möchte mich gerne an euch vorstellen. Ich bin als Dozent
arbeitstätig an die Vrije Universiteit Brussel und unterrichte
Fächer in Internationale Kommunikation und Globalisierung und
Informationsgesellschaft. Ein teil meiner Forschung befinded sich im
Bereich IKT und Entwicklungsproblematik, teilweise auf makro-ebene
(policy level) und mit speziefischer fokus auf Sud-Afrika. Ich
verfolge schon seit anfang die Fome liste und möchte euch gratulieren
mit dieser Initiative.
By now you have noticed my German is not really fluent. I studied one
year in Eichstätt in Bavaria, but never really learned to write your
language. So forgive me for changing languages.
I would like to indicate that I am also chair of the Section on
International Communication within ECREA (European Communication
Research and Education Association). Our section was only recently
established, but it might interest you to join both ECREA and more
specifically our section (see our website http://www.ecrea.eu/). Part
of the sections content is in line with the interests of the FOME
group. ECREA gathers a large group of European scholars in the field
of media and communication. It also runs an email distribution list
covering the broad field of communication sciences. Over the last
months I have submitted some of the FOME mails to this list. I hope
you don't object to this. If you agree I will keep doing this. If I
find (European and International) material on the ECREA lists, which
might be of interest to FOME, I will start distributing it to FOME.
with kind regards
Leo Van Audenhove
Section Objectives - Mission Statements
The field of International and Intercultural Communication has
changed considerably over the last years. Globalization and its
consequences have forced the field to broaden its scope considerably.
Furthermore the field is challenged from the outside by other
disciplines engaging in the debate on the role of communication in
globalization processes. In this section we take a broad view on
cross border communication in all its forms. We define cross border
communication in terms of communication crossing national or/and
cultural borders. We will both focus on mediated and personal forms
of communication.
The International and Intercultural Communication Section provides a
platform for discussing critical research in the cross border fields
of international communication and intercultural communication. The
focus of the section is on inter- multi-, and transdisciplinary
approaches to cross border communications in professional fields as
well as academic fields in all areas of social human change.
To structure the field we propose the following sub themes:
A. Policy and Production
This sub theme largely covers the traditional field of international
communication. It focuses on policy related to cross border
communication at the national, regional and international level. It
furthermore looks at the production and production structures of
cross border communication by local and transnational institutions
e.g. national and transnational telecom and media conglomerates. It
also entails the globalization processes in fields as journalism,
marketing, etc. Comparative analysis of communication policy and
production forms part of the field as we define it.
B. Cross Border Communication Products; Representations and Perceptions
This sub theme focuses on communication products, their
representations and perceptions in cross border public spheres.
Traditional media products and formats and their flows around the
globe remain an important focus of analysis. Analysis of products
distributed over the Internet is an important challenge. The Internet
as a de factor global media is often seen as a major innovation
challenging existing media and information flows.
C. Intercultural Communication
This sub theme addresses the complex relationships between
communications (mass mediated and otherwise) and culture(s). The
slipstream of globalization contains an increase in global forms of
communication and culture, and intercultural communication is thus
becoming a more important topic of research. With regard to this
theme, the section gives a platform to theoretical explorations as
well as to more practical transdisciplinary studies in the domain of
cross border communications in a cultural perspective.
Main Topics of Interest:
International Communication Policy and Regulation
Transnational Media
The Global Internet
Cross Border Theories
Globalization / Localization
Cross Cultural Broadcasting
Development Policies
Appropriate Technology
Distance Learning
Local and Community Media
Communication researchers and scholars from all parts of Europe and
beyond have decided to join forces and form the European
Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA). This new
association results from the merger of the two main European
associations of communication researchers namely: ECA (European
Communication Association) and ECCR (European Consortium for
Communications Research).
The announcement of the merger was made on 25 November 2005 during
the opening of the memorable First European Communication Conference
hosted by the University of Amsterdam's Ascor (co-organised by ECCR
and ECA) in front of 550 participants. Their presence and active
participation showed a pressing demand for such an initiative in the
communication scholars' community.
Although ECREA is committed to organise conferences and workshops,
its aims and ambitions reach far beyond. ECREA will provide
opportunities to exchange information and collaborate with
researchers active in different countries and/or in different
disciplines within the field of communication. It will assist members
in enriching their work and in finding partners and opportunities for
international research projects. ECREA will provide its members with
relevant information regarding scientific, institutional and
practical aspects of their work and at the different stages of their
career. Special attention will be given to the specific needs and
expectations of the young scholars (summer schools, network).
ECREA will also become the link to and from the community of
professors and researchers active in communication and information
studies. This will include efforts to promote and develop high
quality research as well as to encourage and foster the best
standards in higher education in the field. All these activities and
more will be undertaken with a systematic attention to respect the
diversity of approaches, cultures and languages. Thematic sections
and networks are already blooming within ECREA as a way to facilitate
clustering of members active in a particular domain or sharing
In order to allow as many scholars as possible to join, ECREA is
offering a very flexible and affordable membership fee structure for
individuals and institutions, with reduced fees for first year
membership, for young scholars and for soft-currency countries.
Prof. dr. Leo Van Audenhove
Studies on Media, Information and Telecommunication (SMIT)
Interdisciplinary institute for BroadBand Technology(IBBT)
Vakgroep Communicatiewetenschap
Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Pleinlaan 2, 1050 Brussel, Belgium
Tel ++32/2/629 24 15
Mobile ++32/479/75 32 36
Fax ++32/2/629 28 61
e-Mail Leo.Van.Audenhove at vub.ac.be

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