[Finews] Offener Brief gegen bewaffnete Drohnen/ Open letter against armed drones from German, English and Austrian AI scientists
Fi Nottuln
info at fi-nottuln.de
Di Nov 16 21:53:11 CET 2021
Liebe Freundinnen und Freunde,
wir informieren Euch über einen Offenen Brief gegen bewaffnete Drohnen.
Wir wünschen uns, dass viele von Euch unterzeichnen.
Mit freundlichem Gruß
Robert Hülsbusch
Liebe Mitstreiter*innen,
wir hoffen, dass möglichst viele Menschen den Offenen Brief der KI-Wissenschaftler*innen in Deutschland und auch weltweit unterzeichnen werden.
Der Aufruf https://aiscientists4peace.org/ enthält eine deutsche wie auch eine englische Fassung des Offenen Briefs mit einer Anleitung zur Unterzeichnung auf Deutsch und auf Englisch. (Dieser Link ersetzt den früheren Link zum Offenen Brief auf einemrGoogle-Plattform und führt alle bisherigen Unterzeichnungen zusammen.)
Jakob Förster, der am 14. September am Webinar des AK gegen bewaffnete Drohnen (http://drohnen.frieden-und-zukunft.de/) teilgenommen hatte, ist einer der Initiatoren. Der Offene Brief ist u. a. am 01.11. in Telepolis veröffentlicht worden. Danach folgte ein Interview mit Jakob Förster und dem KI-Wissenschaftler und Mitinitiator Christian Schroeder de Witt in Telepolis am 03.11. https://www.heise.de/tp/features/Drohnenkrieg-hat-tausende-zivile-Opfer-gefordert-6247718.html
Bitte unterzeichnet und verbreitet gerne den Offenen Brief in Deutschland und in anderen Ländern.
Viele Grüße
Susanne Grabenhorst
Begin forwarded message:
From: Jakob Foerster <jakob.foerster at eng.ox.ac.uk>
Subject: Urgent: Open letter against armed drones from German, English and Austrian AI scientists
Date: 6. November 2021 at 21:26:38 CET
To: "elsarassbach at gmail.com" <elsarassbach at gmail.com>
Dear fellow campaigners against the weaponization of drones,
In Germany, a preliminary decision on the arming of drones will be made in the current coalition negotiations. Germany is the only highly industrialized country that has so far refrained from acquiring armed drones, so this dispute has significance for the global efforts to stop the proliferation of these weapons and to outlaw armed drones in the long term.
We’d like to draw your attention to <https://sites.google.com/view/offener-brief-drohnen-nov21> a current open letter from AI scientists from England, Germany and Austria, which can be signed by anyone and everyone <https://sites.google.com/view/offener-brief-drohnen-nov21> via the link:
We’d like to ask you to sign this letter, to spread it and to forward it to any contacts you might have at the international press (feel free to keep me in cc, <mailto:jakob.foerster at eng.ox.ac.uk> jakob.foerster at eng.ox.ac.uk).
At this crucial moment in Germany every voice against the arming of drones could be decisive and achieve a positive breakthrough for disarmament, international civil cooperation and respect for human rights.
We believe that the dangers of creeping automation of these weapons can no longer be denied, see e.g what is believed to be the first fully autonomous attack by an armed drone on a human being in Libya. This point is underrepresented in the German debate on drones and need to be stressed, which we tried to highlight in our letter:
“The weaponization of drones makes autonomous weaponry possible in principle and represents a critical turning point. The scientific and technological state of the art is now so advanced that any modern remotely piloted armed drone is only a software update away from being a fully autonomous lethal weapon without proof! ... The arming of drones crosses a critical threshold towards the automation of warfare: towards the development of weapons whose attack on humans is automated, without further human decision, supervision or possibility of abort. The urgently needed international outlawing of fully autonomous lethal weapons, which the previous German government has also taken up, must therefore include armed drones.”
We look forward to hearing back with you and remain with the very best regards and many thanks!
Dr. Jakob Foerster, Associate Professor in Engineering Science at the University of Oxford, and Peter Förster, Peace Activist
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