[fessenheim-fr] INVITATION: - Stalking Chernobyl

dzw detlef.zumwinkel at t-online.de
Sa Apr 25 15:09:22 CEST 2020



ich habe mir den Trailer angesehen und bin bedient. „Stalking Chernobyl“ ist offenbar ein euphemistisches Wort für jenen Abenteuertourismus, der dort seit einiger Zeit organisiert wird. Wenn du auf dem Mount Everest warst und deinen Müll im Himalaya hinterlassen hast, was gibt es dann noch als „Herausforderung“? Natürlich Tschernobyl. Demnächst Fukushima. Es geht mich nichts an, aber warum muss sowas als „Resistance“ abgefeiert werden? Warum ist es ein Akt von „Solidarität“, wenn wir sowas jetzt ansehen „dürfen“?

Es ist eines der zahlreichen phantasie- und mitleidslosen Medien Events, produziert von erschlafften Filmemachern, die einen Kick brauchen, um eine Emotion zu spüren.

Nein danke.


MfG, Detlef


Von: Ilse <giraffigard-f-heim at yahoo.de>
Datum: Samstag, 25. April 2020 um 14:16
An: Mailingliste FRer Anti-Atom-Gruppe <fessenheim-fr at listi.jpberlin.de>
Cc: Carolin Franta <carolin.franta at ausgestrahlt.de>, Fukushima Nie Vergessen Info <info at fukushima-nie-vergessen.de>, Thierry Meyer <lesenfantsdetchernobyl at gmail.com>, Stefan Auchter <bund.suedlicher-oberrhein at bund.net>
Betreff: INVITATION: - Stalking Chernobyl


----- Weitergeleitete Nachricht -----

Von: friedem at web.de <friedem at web.de>

An: Ilse <giraffigard-f-heim at yahoo.de>

Gesendet: Donnerstag, 23. April 2020, 22:45:02 MESZ

Betreff: INVITATION: Das Aktionsbündnis Fessenheim stilllegen. JETZT! - Stalking Chernobyl





-------- Originalnachricht --------
Betreff: INVITATION: Das Aktionsbündnis Fessenheim stilllegen. JETZT! -
Stalking Chernobyl
Datum: 23.04.2020 13:22
Von: Tamara Shvelidze <outreachdepartment at culturesofresistance.org>
An: "kontakt at fessenheimstop.org" <kontakt at fessenheimstop.org>, 'iara
lee/ cultures of resistance network' <iaralee at culturesofresistance.org>,
Mariza de Alencar <dbfb at culturesofresistancefilms.com>

Greetings Fessenheim stilllegen,

I'm writing on behalf of activist filmmaker Iara Lee [1], founder of
Cultures of Resistance Films [2]. We create and distribute films that
advance public awareness about issues of social and economic justice.
Iara is an active supporter of different resistance movements and
grassroots activists around the world. We recently premiered our new
of solidarity to all in self quarantine and isolation, we made it
available online. I found your contact details on Nuclear Heritage
website and thought that the movie might interest you and your audience.
I am sending you a link to the movie:

* Trailer: https://youtu.be/QWaWaedzgxg
* FULL movie: https://youtu.be/x3wcUbm2gp4
* FB event - https://www.facebook.com/events/736402863562489/

Subtitles are available in English, Russian, Ukrainian, Spanish, French,
Italian, Portuguese, Arabic, Azeri, Slovak and Polish. Please feel free
to share info with your people who might be interested!

Furthermore, a special online Q&A with scientists, activists, and
Chernobyl stalkers will take place on April 26th, International
Chernobyl Disaster Remembrance Day.


On Sunday, 26 April 2020 at 17:00 GMT (13:00 EST), the UN-designated
International Chernobyl Disaster Remembrance Day, "Stalking Chernobyl"
director Iara Lee, EDITOR DIMO PETKOV, will be hosting a live online Q&A
session moderated by Jodie Evans, CODEPINK founder, with:

* Cindy Folkers, Radiation & Health Specialist from Beyond Nuclear
* Oleg Shalashov, associate producer and former stalker
* Vladislav Voznjuck from the stalker/tour group DiggTour/URBEX
* Lucas Brunelle, extreme cyclist "Lucas Brunelle Goes To Chernobyl"
* Sergii Mirnyi scientist/tour operator from Chernobyl Tours
* Dominik Orfanus, Yurij Syrcek, and Igor Pasko from the Chernobyl
Welcome Tour Company

* Vitaly Servetnik from Friends of the Earth/Russian Socio-Ecological

This live event is free but due to limited space, please register via
Zoom here:

The discussion will also be livestreamed to Cultures of Resistance's
Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/CulturesOfResistance/ and
YouTube channel at https://www.youtube.com/user/CulturesofResistance

We are extremely grateful to all of the groups that have helped us move
the premiere online. Please see the list of partners here [3]

Cultures of Resistance Films [2]
Cultures of Resistance Network [4]
COR Facebook [5] | COR Instagram [6]
Iara Lee Instagram [7]

Virus-free. www.avast.com [9]

[1] https://culturesofresistance.org/iara-lee
[2] https://culturesofresistancefilms.com/
[4] http://www.culturesofresistance.org/
[5] https://www.facebook.com/CulturesOfResistance/
[6] https://www.instagram.com/culturesofresistance/
[7] https://www.instagram.com/iara_lee/_blank

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