Homepage proposal

Waldir Pimenta waldir at email.com
Tue Jun 25 03:34:26 CEST 2013


I finally managed to convert the page to a tabbed version. It was harder
that it might seem at first, but with the right combination of CSS
selectors and rules, it works out quite nicely. The page now resembles a
multi-page site, but is actually a single page, so navigating it will
happen in a snap! Here's the link for the current version:
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/510542/arbtt/index.html ( archive:
http://archive.is/5qWLr )

Below I answer directly to some of your comments.

On Wed, Jun 19, 2013 at 8:36 AM, Joachim Breitner
<mail at joachim-breitner.de>wrote:

> The design is nice. For some reason I find the font a bit less readable
> than others, but I can’t really say why. Also, I dislike including
> external resources if avoidable (here, Google web fonts). Would it hurt
> the design a lot to switch to the defauls sans-serif font?

I was thinking the same, but thought it was only me. It probably has
something to do with the weight of that particular font. I switched to the
browser's default sans-serif font, that seems to work quite well.

> The „how does it work“ section could be improved in that the example
> output corresponds to the example rules.

Indeed. I was just lazy and used your own example. Done :)

> I’d like to re-order the installation entries to "Hackage, Debian,
> Source", skip OS X.

Ok, that's done as well. I wasn't sure what to do with the Windows
instructions since you didn't mention them in your list. I put them last.

> The arbtt mailing list should also be advertised to users somehow.

It is, in the get involved section. Hopefully with tabs it will be more

> The link to the documentation needs to be more easily found. Maybe when
> you introduce tabs, one of them could just be „Documentation“ and
> linking to the documentation?

Again, I hope the tabs will make the documentation easier to find. I added
some links in the "Usage" section of the page. Let me know if that works
for you.
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