Homepage proposal

Joachim Breitner mail at joachim-breitner.de
Wed Jun 19 09:36:53 CEST 2013


Am Dienstag, den 18.06.2013, 05:00 +0100 schrieb Waldir Pimenta:
> Here's my proposal for a home
> page: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/510542/index.html
> (archive: http://archive.is/5SxZT)

nice, I like it so far!

> I realize it's quite big, and perhaps the text is too verbose. Maybe
> we can split the sections into tabs, and cut some of the text. I am
> aware that i tend to write a lot, so don't hesitate to point out stuff
> that should be cut :)

Indeed there is a lot of text that greets the visitor. Unfortunately, I
am not very good at cutting text, after all, every sentence for itself
has some justification. Tabs might help.

> As for the design, it's simple and (IMO) neat, but for that very
> reason it's also easy to change into something else, if that's
> desirable.

The design is nice. For some reason I find the font a bit less readable
than others, but I can’t really say why. Also, I dislike including
external resources if avoidable (here, Google web fonts). Would it hurt
the design a lot to switch to the defauls sans-serif font?

The „how does it work“ section could be improved in that the example
output corresponds to the example rules.

I’d like to re-order the installation entries to "Hackage, Debian,
Source", skip OS X.

The arbtt mailing list should also be advertised to users somehow.

The link to the documentation needs to be more easily found. Maybe when
you introduce tabs, one of them could just be „Documentation“ and
linking to the documentation?

All in all, a very good start, and only minor polishing needed.


Joachim “nomeata” Breitner
  mail at joachim-breitner.dehttp://www.joachim-breitner.de/
  Jabber: nomeata at joachim-breitner.de  • GPG-Key: 0x4743206C
  Debian Developer: nomeata at debian.org
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