[Tiptoi] Binary für OSX testen

Sven Scholz s.scholz at alfeld.de
Sa Apr 6 17:53:24 CEST 2019

habe es bei mir auch mal getestet. habe aber auch brew und macports drauf.

MacBook-Pro-2:Downloads svenscholz$ chmod +x tttool
MacBook-Pro-2:Downloads svenscholz$ ./tttool
Missing: COMMAND

Usage: tttool [-t|--transscript FILE] [--code-dim W[xH]] [--dpi DPI]
              [--pixel-size N] [-f|--image-format Format] COMMAND
  tttool-1.8.1 -- The swiss army knife for the Tiptoi hacker

Available options:
  -h,--help                Show this help text
  -t,--transscript FILE    Mapping from media file indices to plaintext. This
                           should be a ';'-separated file, with OID codes in the
                           first column and plain text in the second
  --code-dim W[xH]         Generate OID codes of this size, in
                           millimeters (default: 30)
  --dpi DPI                Use this resolution in dpi when creating OID
                           codes (default: 1200)
  --pixel-size N           Use this many pixels (squared) per dot in when
                           creating OID codes. (default: 2)
  -f,--image-format Format image format to write: PNG, PDF, SVG, SVG+PNG (not
                           all commands support all formats)

GME creation commands:
  assemble                 creates a gme file from the given source

OID code creation commands:
  oid-table                creates a PDF or SVG file with all codes in the yaml
  oid-codes                creates files for every OID in the yaml file
                           (default: PNG).
  oid-code                 creates PNG files for each given code(s)

GME analysis commands:
  info                     Print general information about a GME file
  export                   dumps the file in the human-readable yaml format
  scripts                  prints the decoded scripts for each OID
  script                   prints the decoded scripts for a specific OID
  games                    prints the decoded games
  lint                     checks for errors in the file or in this program
  segments                 lists all known parts of the file, with description.
  segment                  prints the decoded scripts for a specific OID
  explain                  print a hexdump of a GME file with descriptions
  holes                    lists all unknown parts of the file.
  rewrite                  parses the file and writes it again (for debugging)

GME extraction commands:
  media                    dumps all audio samples
  binaries                 dumps all binaries

Simulation commands:
  play                     interactively play a GME file

Please run "tttool COMMAND --help" for information on the particular command.

> Am 06.04.2019 um 15:57 schrieb Joachim Breitner <mail at joachim-breitner.de>:
> Hallo,
> ich will auch OSX gern so gut unterstützen wie Linux und Windows
> (soll heißen: Ich kann es bauen, und fertige Binaries in der Zip-Datei
> einschließen).
> Hab da mal was probiert… kann jemand mit OSX die Datei
>   http://www.joachim-breitner.de/tmp/tttool.gz                         
> testen? Langt zu schauen ob das Programm startet.
> Danke,
> Joachim
> -- 
> Joachim Breitner
>  mail at joachim-breitner.de
>  http://www.joachim-breitner.de/
> -- 
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> tiptoi at lists.nomeata.de
> https://lists.nomeata.de/mailman/listinfo/tiptoi

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