[Tiptoi] Results of my night
kalle71 at online.de
Sa Feb 21 15:43:28 CET 2015
Fleißig, fleißig!
Ich hatte mir vor einer ganzen Zeit mal für diesen Zweck die
Template-Funktion vom kostenlosen Hexedit (www.hexedit.com) angeschaut,
bin wg. der Komplexität aber erstmal nicht tiefer eingestiegen.
Was war für dich der Grund, den nicht ganz billigen Hexinator einzusetzten?
Am 21.02.2015 um 14:44 schrieb Ulrich Sibiller:
> Hello,
> I have been working half of the night on the tiptoi firmware update
> files. The result is a grammar file that describes the format (not
> fully, but to a decent degree). You can use this grammer with the
> testversion of tha newly discoverd hexeditor Hexinator
> https://hexinator.com/ (for Linux and WIndows, there's also a Mac
> version that for whatever reason is called differently:
> https://www.synalysis.net/).
> Please have a look at it, especially at the "drivelabelstruct" which I
> have not understood yet.
> Usage:
> 1. install hexinator
> 2. run it and open the grammar file
> 3. open upd file
> -> hexdump will be shown left, structure at the right
> -> you can edit the grammar in a separate windows. Takes some time to
> get used to it, but it is very mighty!
> Uli
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