[Tiptoi] Funktioniert euer Tiptoi-Stift ohne Batterien im USB-Storage-Mode?

Igor havegot at i.ua
Fr Feb 20 18:35:54 CET 2015

> Yes, these both pens, are older ones. I think 2 or 3 years old...
> So Uli, is right: These both numbers are engraved where the battries get 
> in place.
Aha, I've found it! There is engraved number:
Thank you! Second attempt was successful. And of course Ulrich was right. :)

> Igor, your pen seems to be older then 3 years. Because it was sold with 
> firmware 1, version 136 and
> your .tiptoi.log contains 3201 without any Character like N, MT, DL etc...
Should be so. My second 2Gb pen has 33962 number printed with grey ink and it is younger.

So I jump to conclusion that pens with firmware 1 version 136 behave differently then pens with other firmware. Namely they work with USB without batteries attached and there is no need to switch them on by hand.

All the best

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