[Tiptoi] 3 Stftvarianten ??

Wolfgang Kraft tiptoi at WKraft.org
Do Feb 19 08:41:28 CET 2015


gibt es jetzt zwei oder drei Varianten, was den Speicherausbau angeht?

Ich lese von 512 MB, 2GB und 4GB, unserer hat eindeutig 4GB



In Antwort auf die folgende Mail

From: Igor <havegot at i.ua>
To:   uli42 at gmx.de, Die Mailingliste fr Tiptoi-Bastler <tiptoi at lists.nomeata.de>
Subject: Re: [Tiptoi] Help needed
Date:    Thu, 19 Feb 2015 09:10:53 +0200

Hi all

My 512Mb pen switches immediately(5 seconds to lite the green light) and mounts itself as usual.

The 2Gb pen doesn't want to be switched on at all without batteries. With batteries it needs the power button to be pressed. In this case the green light comes on for a moment and then comes off and a drive mounts.

18.02.2015 22:00, Ulrich Sibiller <ulrich.sibiller at gmail.com>

> we already know how to activate the so called "Storage Boot Mode" of
> the Tiptoi. I wanted to try that like documented in the Wiki. I
> failed. After some mails it turned out that my pen behaves differently
> from Björn's.

> To investiage further into that issue I'd like to know how your pens
> behave. So could you all please make this simple test: What happens,
> when you connect then pen (with batteries removed) to your PC? Does
> the pen switch on immediately or do you need to power it on separately
> before the pen drive appears on your PC? Please also if you have a
> 512MB pen (Rev. A) oder a 2GB pen (Rev. B).

> Uli

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