[Tiptoi] Fwd: Storage Boot Mode found

Matthias Weber matthiaz.weber at gmx.de
Do Feb 12 23:49:58 CET 2015

Hey guys,

Bjoern schrieb:
> Am 08.02.2015 um 10:02 schrieb Ulrich Sibiller:
>>> This mode should (to be confirmed) allow to write a new firmware by
>>> the Anyka Burn Tool.
>>> It's triggered by connecting GPIO13 for example via a 1 kOhm
>>> resistor to ground during start-up. This can be easily done by
>>> connecting the pads in the marked area via a 1 kOhm resistor. A
>>> direct connection may work too but this > has not been tested yet.
>>> The Storage Boot Mode can be left by restarting the pen.
>> Great! Do these GPIO pads correspond with the two small holes at the
>> side of the battery compartment?
> Yes, it seems so (maybe someone with a closed pen can confirm).
currently I do not have a pen here. Do you have to connect both pads to
GND via 1kOhm resistor?
Or are they the two pads connected? Or is one already connected to GND?
Has anyone tried it with a closed pen?

As some days have passed, any news on this? ;)


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