[Tiptoi] TipToi maker beginner

Ulrich Sibiller ulrich.sibiller at gmail.com
Sa Feb 7 00:12:36 CET 2015

On Wed, Jan 21, 2015 at 12:12 PM, Igor <havegot at i.ua> wrote:
> Hallo zusammen,
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>  I think it should be sufficient (and I think I also tried it once) to
> remove/change the hidden file .tiptoi.log
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Removed .tiptoi.log and the pen reflashed OK. Thanks Ulrich! :)
> Log file was:
> CA201523
> N0038
> 3202N
> and became:
> CA201523
> f0021
> 3202N
> Romain's pen is:
> DD023453
> f0023MT
> 3202N
> I'd like to know what is the difference between "MT" and not "MT" versions.

At least here we now know that for french, dutch and italian there are
two similar upd files, one of them has "MT" in the name and that
string you see above can also be found in the file itself. As the pen
decides what file to use for updates maybe this is for pens with a
slightly different hardware, 'MT' could stand for "mediatek" here for

@Igor, can you check if the MT fiirmware is flashed on you pen when
you place it on the filesystem?
@Romain, can you check if you put both .upd files on your pen or if
you only put the MT one there?


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