[Tiptoi] Erfolglose Druckversuche

Igor havegot at i.ua
Mi Feb 4 08:26:17 CET 2015

04.02.2015 00:49, Ulrich Sibiller <ulrich.sibiller at gmail.com>
>Ich hab mal ne Wiki-Seite angefangen, da könnt ihr eure Erfahrungen
> eintragen. Ich denke, das dürfte vielen weiterhelfen:
> https://github.com/entropia/tip-toi-reveng/wiki/Printing
Hi Ulrich,

On my side Canon LBP 810 was successful(almost every time worked with wide range of settings, various dot sizes and different cartridges).

Samsung ML1210 was complete failure(never worked because it printed one dots bigger size and another dots smaller size and nothing could be done to change that). I spent a lot of time forcing it to work that in the end began to suspect that something is wrong with the toner. I.e. it doesn't contain carbon or so.


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