[Tiptoi] Various Channels of Information, Wiki etc.

Joachim Breitner mail at joachim-breitner.de
Mo Jan 26 22:07:47 CET 2015


I saw that link... guess I have to start the first page... Done now - does it work now?


Am 26. Januar 2015 20:58:22 MEZ, schrieb Bjoern <kalle71 at online.de>:
>>> A wiki would be perfect!
>> it seems that the wiki is already enabled:
>> https://github.com/entropia/tip-toi-reveng/wiki
>https://github.com/gollum/gollum shows on the right side the menu item 
>https://github.com/entropia/tip-toi-reveng does not show this item:
>Could you please recheck and enable the Wiki if possible?
>> But I’m a bit worried about spreading information in too many places.
>> currently have:
>>   * The original thread on mikrokontroller.de
>>   * The various files in the github repo, especially GME-Format.md
>>   * This mailing list.
>>   * Various pull requests with useful information
>>   * The German, enduser-friendly page at http://tttool.entropia.de/
>>   * And now the wiki
>Not to forget the email exchanges before the mailing list and the files
>on Dropbox ... ;-)
>> We should make sure that some stuff can always be found in one place.
>> For example:
>>   * Definite knowledge about the GME file format stays in
>>     The wiki could of course be a good place to document stuff that
>>     only partially understood,
>>   * Documentation for the tttool goes into the README.md, and – at
>>     the higher-level commands – can also be explained on
>>     http://tttool.entropia.de/
>Yes, I fully agree that we should try to avoid duplication of 
>information at different locations.
>http://tttool.entropia.de/ is in my opinion the best entry point for 
>first time visitors.
>Here it would be great to have a short intro into the project, 
>preferably at least in English and German.
>Besides of this, this would be a good location for links to the other 
>sources, like the thread on mikrocontroller.net, github repo, github 
>wiki, mailing list, your c't article, etc. etc.

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