[Tiptoi] random-like playback

Pronwan Zeke pronwan at gmail.com
Mo Jan 26 19:54:13 CET 2015

Hi folks,

I was thinking of randomness and how AWESOME it would be, if we could at
least start a "random" playback / script out of one OID-button.

I finally came to the conclusion, that it would make sense for me, do build
up a
button out of 5 OID codes or so instead of just one.

For example: OIDs 1000-1005 are mixed togeter in a way, where every single
OID code is next to another code until the 5 codes are full, then it
restarts with
the first one.
Second line doesn't start with the first code, but with the second etc. So
that you
will never have to of the same codes next to each other

This way it would be impossible for a user to click a specific code but
will rather
trigger one of the 5. In that way one could create a small "randomness"
effect like
"start one random script out of five"

What do you think of this? Useful? IF so, it might be an idea to give
tttool the opportunity
to create such a pattern with a command like: "random-OID 1000-1005" or


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