[Tiptoi] Millionen-Coup

Dominik Stadler dominik.stadler at gmx.at
Do Jan 22 21:08:37 CET 2015


There is another one where timing is involved, "044 - Wettstreit im
Hexenwald", however in the scripts-output of tttool there is only "
$0==1? ?($0,0) (E0 FF)" many times as well as sometimes "    $0==1?
?($0,0) (E0 FF) $0:=3 G(0)". The game has quite complex logic, with
many things that the pen needs to "remember" as well as random stuff
and player-tasks that need to be finished in a certain amount of time.
So I would be surprised if this script is all that makes up the game

There are some holes in the understanding of the format by tttool:

Unknown file segments: 4 (130774 bytes total)
   Offset: 0000005A to 00000071 (23 bytes)
   Offset: 00000075 to 00000200 (395 bytes)
   Offset: 00005345 to 00005CCD (2440 bytes)
   Offset: 00DD074C to 00DEFAF8 (127916 bytes)

I assume there is some binary stuff hidden there which performs all
these logic-items, especially the last block has typical strings in it
like "Abnormal termination...".


On Thu, Jan 22, 2015 at 2:34 PM, Ulrich Sibiller
<ulrich.sibiller at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> today I read something about a Tiptoi game called "Der Miliionen-Coup"
> where the players have to solve tasks in time limited rounds. Here's
> the german manual:
> http://www.brettspiele-report.de/images/t/tiptoi/der-millionen-coup/Spielanleitung-Der-Millionen-Coup.pdf
> Maybe the gme file for this game includes some commands to start/stop
> timers. So If you are looking for something to examine - go! ;-)
> Uli
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