[Tiptoi] TipToi maker beginner
Sven Scholz
s.scholz at alfeld.de
Do Jan 22 19:55:35 CET 2015
> Not tried yet but shell for sure later.
> I saw somewhere an option that allows to play with setting and get the most appropriate output for a specific printer(more or less bold or different size of the dots). But can't understand how to do it exactly.
> If someone wants to play with oidproducer 7.26 it is here:
> http://fgf1.i.ua/g/384348.384348.12097b.3.365673b7.2/OidProducer726a.rar
> Tiptoi takes "Sonix 1.5G" option.
> Bye
how can i download the rar-file?
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