[Tiptoi] Text-to-speech
Joachim Breitner
mail at joachim-breitner.de
Mi Jan 21 00:04:55 CET 2015
Am Dienstag, den 20.01.2015, 23:58 +0100 schrieb Ulrich Sibiller:
> @Joachim: maybe an additonal switch for the assemble command could
> also generate this on the fly. This way you could hold all your text
> in the yaml file without maintaining any wav/mp3/oggs. Perfect during
> testing/development. After you are satisfied with your yaml you cold
> still create better sound files.
nice idea. Can you create an issue at GitHub for it, with all the
details on suggested command lines, parameters etc? I’ll eventually
implement it then.
Joachim “nomeata” Breitner
mail at joachim-breitner.de • http://www.joachim-breitner.de/
Jabber: nomeata at joachim-breitner.de • GPG-Key: 0xF0FBF51F
Debian Developer: nomeata at debian.org
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