[Tiptoi] some files for Tiptoi

Igor havegot at i.ua
So Jan 11 09:11:26 CET 2015

So do I understand that correctly?

You give the program a code - lets say OID 9.812, use the Sonix 1.5G Codec and it will print the OID #9.812, readable for TipToi?

Ja das stimmt.
And it seems to me that Tiptoi is "OID 1.5" standard while Ting is "OID 2" standard:

There are some files made with oidproducer 726 in the attachment. Not tested yet but must work.
That'd be awesome
If so, we just need to find a documentation about how "Sonix" decodes - wich I'm pretty sure can be found somewhere.
It would be good.

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