[netz-bb] Webinar "The Great Take Over"

Barbara Volhard bvolhard at web.de
Di Feb 2 15:38:45 CET 2021

Liebe alle,

wie ich gestern versprochen habe, schicke ich euch in der Anlage den Zugang zur Aufzeichnung des vom TNI organisierten weltweiten Webinars „The Great Take Over“. 
Der volle Titel hieß: „The Great Take Over: How we fight the Davos capture of global governance“. 

Gemeint ist dabei die Übernahme der Weltherrschaft durch die Wirtschaft, wie sie vom Weltwirtschaftsforum (WEF) mit den „Great Re-set“ geplant wird. Es geht um die weitgehende Vereinnahmung von Kernbereichen des Lebens der Menschen und des Planeten durch die Konzerne über Mechanismen des „Multistakeholderismus“ sowie die Privatisierung der Global Governance.

Schönen Gruß

Hi Barbara Volhard, 

Thank you for attending The Great Take Over: How we fight the Davos capture of global governance.. We hope you enjoyed our event.

Please submit your questions or comments to: Bridbrennan at tni.org.

Thanks for your interest and concern in this Great Take Over Webinar and the Davos/agenda is it is raising: the sweeping corporate capture via mechanisms of “Multistakeholderism” of core areas of the lives of people and the planet as well as the privatisation of global governance. This trend, amplified in the current Davos Great Re-set is further weakening and marginalizing the multilateral institutions of the UN. But as we heard in the Webinar, many sectors and movements are challenging this and mobilizing to develop alternatives.

You were among 950 persons who registered and we highly appreciate that many of you were also able to participate. We share here some immediate follow-up points:

With this Recording of the Webinar (https://youtu.be/CCcnC84pgZY ), we also send some links to the Panelists slides and to other materials referred to during the webinar – Power Points; Slides on Presentations in Webinar, and COVAX and articles and reports from the co-organiser movements and organisations You will find these at the following link on TNI website page with Webinar resources: https://www.tni.org/en/article/week-of-activities-peoples-vs-corporate-power

Your Chat comments and Q & A postings are an important part of the Webinar - as time did not permit to consider all of these, we plan to retrieve these and send you a response. However since we cannot re-use this list to send these to you individually – the responses will be updated on the Webinar Resources page of TNI after Feb 19th. (link above).

We want to ask your active support for the demands of the Open Letter – with organizational and individual signatures - open till April 15th. We will be counting on your wide distribution in your networks and circles - . We aim to work with the demands of the Signed On/Open Letter in the run-up to the World Economic Forum (WEF) which is scheduled for May in Singapore. Link English and Spanish: https://www.tni.org/en/article/week-of-activities-peoples-vs-corporate-power#h2

If you would like to receive further updates on the work going forward or be involved in the initiatives – please get back in contact.

Thank you on behalf of all the Co-organisers,
Brid Breannan
Bridbrennan at tni.org

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