[netz-bb] Online-Training: Is a fairer world possible? - Globalization from a post-colonial perspective

Elisabeth Kremer kremer at kreisau.de
Do Sep 3 17:02:44 CEST 2020

Hallo an alle Interessierte,

wer Lust hat sich mit Fragen nach Globalisierung und globaler 
Gerechtigkeit auseinanderzusetzen ist herzlich willkommen, bei unserem 
Online-Workshop, der ab nächstem Freitag startet. Tauscht euch aus mit 
Interessierten aus Polen, der Tschechischen Republik und Deutschland, 
lernt neue Methoden kennen und erweitert (daheim :-)) euren Horizont.

Nähere Infos unten - gern auch zum Teilen!
Viele Grüße
Elisabeth Kremer
/Bildungsreferentin Kreisau-Initiative e.V. /


*Online-Training: Is a fairer world possible? – Globalisation from a 
post-colonial perspective*

  * *When?*: Sept. 11-17 (with a focus on Sept. 11-13)*
  * *How?*: Interactive online workshop via zoo, in English
  * *For whom?*: Multipliers from PL, DE and CZ interested in methods of
    Global education, Education for sustainable development and Degrowth
  * *More info?*: https://www.facebook.com/events/210901763373628/

We have instant access to information and knowledge unprecedented in 
human history, yet understanding global interdependencies and 
acknowledging a wholistic perspective is getting harder and more 
complex: If global wealth is constantly rising why is poverty not 
disappearing? If there is so much stuff around us why are there still so 
many underprivileged people? If so many of us have access to 
information, media, and means of political expression why is the 
inequality gap so big?

JOIN THIS WORKSHOP to gain a better understanding of the effects of 
globalisation such as global inequalities, trends on the global 
dimension of public and private debt, natural resources shortage, tax 
justice, development cooperation and free trade agreements. Together we 
will take on different roles and practice a change in perspective. We 
will try to understand the global interdependencies and see how 
neoliberal policies affect the Global South and shape relations between 
different parts of the world.

The trainers are Marta Gontarska (researcher and trainer, connected to 
the Institute of Global Responsibility <https://igo.org.pl/>, Warsaw) 
und Wojtek Mejor (trainer and activist, Lepiej Collective 
<https://www.facebook.com/KolektywLepiej/>, Warsaw).

The training will be held online, but methodological input and 
reflections will concern both online and offline education practices.
** Draft schedule: *intense start the first weekend: Fri. 16:00-19:30, 
Sat. 10:00-13:00 and 15:00-18:00, Sun. 11:00-14:00; then self-organized 
group work ; final sessions (3h) Sept. 16 or 17

Further and updated information on our website 
in the Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/210901763373628/

Elisabeth Kremer
Bildungsreferentin | Programme Manager | Specjalistka ds. programowych
Sozial-ökologische Transformation | Social-ecological Transformation | 
Transformacja społeczno-ekologiczna

/Aufgrund der Corona-Pandemie bin ich zurzeit per Telefon nur 
eingeschränkt erreichbar./
/Due to the coronavirus pandemic, my availability via phone is currently 
/Ograniczony kontakt telefoniczny ze względu na pandemię koronawirusa./

Kreisau-Initiative e. V.
c/o Allianz AG
Merlitzstraße 9
12489 Berlin
Deutschland | Germany | Niemcy

Tel.: +49-30-53 89 31 63 65
www.kreisau.de <https://www.kreisau.de/>

Jahresthema 2020 | Theme of the year 2020 | Temat przewodni 2020 roku
*Miteinander mitverantwortlich mitgestalten* | *Together responsibly 
creating* | *Współdziałając współodpowiedzialnie współtworzymy*
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