[contraste.netz-bb] Dekade der Genossenschaften

E. Voss - NETZ BB e.V. elisabeth.voss at netz-bb.de
Fr Nov 30 17:17:50 CET 2012

Das von den Vereinten Nationen ausgerufene Jahr der Genossenschaften 
neigt sich dem Ende zu.

Nun will der Internationale Genossenschaftsbund daraus eine Dekade der 
Genossenschaften entwickeln:

"Purpose of this document

The General Assembly of the International Co-operative Alliance (ICA) 
2012 will mark the culmination of the United Nations International Year 
of Co-operatives. But subject to the approval of the General
Assembly, it will also mark the beginning of a world-wide campaign to 
take the co-operative way of doing business to a new level. The 
ambitious plan in this Blueprint - the “2020 Challenge” - is for the
co-operative form of business by 2020 to become:
- The acknowledged leader in economic, social and environmental 
- The model preferred by people
- The fastest growing form of enterprise

The 2020 Challenge seeks to build on the achievements of the 
International Year of Co-operatives, and for the Year of Co-operatives 
(2011 – 12) to be the start of a Co-operative Decade (2011 – 2020).

The International Year of Co-operatives has provided a powerful focal 
point for the movement. It has heightened its sense of shared purpose, 
illustrated by the range of activities and celebrations of the
International Year, as well as the take-up of the 2012 International 
Year logo. It has raised the profile of co-operatives beyond the limits 
of the movement itself, in civil society and amongst governmental
and inter-governmental bodies, including recognition in the Rio+20 Treaty."

Mehr hier: http://2012.coop/
Veranstaltungsreihe zum Internationalen Jahr der Genossenschaften 2012:
Mailingliste Solidarische Ökonomie in Berlin-Brandenburg:
Radiosendung "Geld oder Leben" zu Solidarischer Ökonomie:
NETZ für Selbstverwaltung und Kooperation Berlin-Brandenburg e.V.
PF 62 05 53, 10795 Berlin
elisabeth.voss at netz-bb.de, www.netz-bb.de
Vorstand: Helmut Geißler, Frauke Hehl, Elisabeth Voß
Vereinsregister Berlin (Charlottenburg) Nr. 24189 Nz

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