[smartmontools-support] smartd Segmentation fault: 11 with Apple Silicon based Mac

桃源老師 xanadu6291 at dream.jp
Thu Nov 21 06:00:04 CET 2024

Hello Christian - san,

Thank you for your prompt reply...

I reply directly to you and leave Cc: to mailing list...

> 2024/11/20 午後11:48、Christian Franke <Christian.Franke at t-online.de>のメール:
> Hi,
> 桃源老師 wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I've got smartd Segmentation fault: 11 with Apple Silicon based Mac.  First of all, I don't have any problem with Intel based Mac.  The version of smartmontools on Intel based Mac is 7.4.  However, with Apple Silicon based Mac, I've got Segmentation fault: 11.  It occurs exactly after 30 minutes from smartd launch.  I mean that smartd would be shut down by Operating System 30 minutes after launch.  Yes, the 30 minutes might be mean that smartd's periodic check timing of disks/ssd.  I have tested pre-compiled 7.4, 7.5-5637, source tar ball of 7.5-5637, but the result was same.
> Which info was logged by smartd to syslog before the segfault?

I can't find out any logging of smartd before the segfault.

> Does the 'smartctl -x /dev/disk0' output show anything special?


> Please test whether the segfault could be reproduced in smartd debug mode with a short check interval, for example:
>   smartd -d -i 10
> (stop with SIGQUIT instead of SIGINT).

With -d option, smartd never stop.  But removing -d option, i.e. 

smartd -i 30,

smartd was killed by segfault after 30 seconds running.

Also, using -d option, smartd outputs 'Cannot create state file "/usr/local/var/lib/smartmontools/smartd.APPLE_SSD_AP1024Z-0ba02062208d1420-n0.nvme.state"' to Terminal.  So I realized that it might need to be add "sudo", i.e. 

sudo smartd -i 30, 

smartd does not killed by Operating System...

It might be required to add "sudo", execute smartd command as super user, on Apple Silicon based Macs... Am I correct?

>> Does anyone have any thought regarding this problem?
>> Here's log of segmentation fault:
>> ...
> This needs to be investigated by a macOS expert.


> Please provide such outputs as plaintext attachments in future submissions.

OK, I understand.

Best Regards,

Kimio Miyamura
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