[smartmontools-support] smartmontools on Ubuntu

Christian Franke Christian.Franke at t-online.de
Mon May 27 15:28:50 CEST 2024

Thane K. Sherrington via Smartmontools-support wrote:
> I often use a Live USB of Ubuntu for data recovery, hard drive testing 
> (especially since the current Windows NVME driver prevents smartctl 
> from properly testing the drive).  However; when I do an apt install 
> smartmontools I get 6.2.  Is there a way to get the current version?

For rescue purposes I would recommend Grml (https://grml.org/). The 
recent 2024.02 image (~900MB only) is based on Debian trixie and 
includes smartmontools 7.4 and other useful rescue tools like ddrescue 
and sleuthkit (istat, ifind, ffind, ...). See [1] for a real world use 
case of these tools.



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