[smartmontools-support] Captive mode timeout?

James bjlockie at lockie.ca
Fri Feb 11 02:10:37 CET 2022

On 2022-02-10 19:43, Jim Garrison via Smartmontools-support wrote:
> Given disk sizes today, there probably isn't a single drive that could
> run "-t long -C" within the timeout.  A 4TB drive (WD4003FFBX) can't
> even run -t short within the timeout.
> I see an old issue #303 (https://www.smartmontools.org/ticket/303) from
> 8 years ago closed WONTFIX.
> Is captive mode basically no longer meaningful?
Is that waiting for it to finish?
I don't think that mode is useful.
I start a test and look at the result when it is done.

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