[smartmontools-support] Smart self test logs

Christian Franke Christian.Franke at t-online.de
Fri Mar 26 08:09:29 CET 2021

M. Pantel wrote:
> I just reviewed my servers' ssds via smartctl and stumpled upon a 
> funny occurrence.
> The self test log seems to only support 16 bit integers since for one 
> disk the daily short test before the last had run at 65545 hours and 
> the last daily test had run at 21 hours.
> Is this hardware specific, a configuration issue or a bug in 
> smartmontools?

The 'Life timestamp' fields of both (-l selftest, -l xselftest) variants 
of ATA SMART self-test logs are only 16 bits wide.

$ man smartctl
[Note: this time stamp wraps after 2^16 hours, or 2730 days and 16 
hours, or about 7.5 years.]


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