[smartmontools-support] smartctl messages

Claudio Kuenzler napsty at gmail.com
Wed Oct 14 10:27:59 CEST 2020

Hi Bart

On Wed, 14 Oct 2020, 08:48 Bart K <bartklumpenaar at hotmail.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> I am working on an app for wiping harddrives on a large scale.
> However, now i need to know what kind of messages i can expect from
> smartctl.
> As an example, when im trying to “smartctl -i /dev/sdd -j” where
> “/dev/sdd” is a USB drive, I get a “Unknown USB bridge” message.
> Is there some database or something similair where i can see what kind of
> error messages i can expect, and also how to interpet some of the exit
> codes ?
Depending on the usb bridge, smartctl might need different parameters to
talk to the physical drive.

See https://www.smartmontools.org/wiki/Supported_USB-Devices, this should

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