[smartmontools-support] Ask about smartctl set a non-SMART setting permanently

Christian Franke Christian.Franke at t-online.de
Sun Feb 23 16:23:49 CET 2020

reg at bdnlab.com wrote:
>    I would like to know if smartctl is able to set a non-SMART setting 
> permanently? Btw, I'm using it on Windows, and I want to disable the 
> APM feature permanently on a HDD.

The behavior is device specific. This cannot be changed by smartctl. ATA 
Standards do not specify whether APM and various other settings are 
permanent or not.

Quote from T13/BSR INCITS 529 (ACS-4) Revision 20 (October 2017):
... Description
After a power-on reset or a hardware reset, the settings specified by 
the subcommands are vendor specific unless otherwise specified in this 
standard. Software reset is described in the individual subcommands as 
7.43.5 Enable/disable the APM feature set
... (no related specification) ...


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