[smartmontools-support] problem with scterc on a mac

Christian Franke Christian.Franke at t-online.de
Tue Feb 11 10:26:16 CET 2020

On 10.02.2020 20:02, Dennis Couzin wrote:
> The ACS-4 version finally says enough.  It replaces the expression "default value" with two expressions:
> 	"Power-on Read Command Timer value";
> 	"Power-on Write Command Timer value".
> Then you get to read clauses like:
> 	"The Read Command Timer shall be set to the value of the Power-on Read Command Timer ..."

The clarification is a side-effect of the introduction of new changeable 
values "Power-on Read/Write Command Timer".


> Why did ACS-4 want ERC values settings not to persist through a power-on reset, since power-ons are normal events in a drive's life?
> Shouldn't default ERC values, like other default values, only be restored by intentional resettings?
> I think I prefer Toshiba's misunderstanding of the specification.

It depends on the use case. The ACS-4 enhancement allows to change the 
power-on defaults.


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