[smartmontools-support] Windows scheduled tests with result by email

ertan.kucukoglu at 1nar.com.tr ertan.kucukoglu at 1nar.com.tr
Wed Apr 29 22:34:05 CEST 2020



I am using smartmontools on my FreeNAS system and I am pretty happy with it.
There I have cronjobs and they work once a day doing short tests and weekly
long tests.


I am mainly a Windows user. I wanted to have similar functionality for my
desktop computer. Smartmontools package is installed in my system.


Script I used on FreeNAS is a copy&paste for me. I did not write it myself.
It is not just a souple of lines and I failed to convert it to BATCH file.


I am writing here with the hope to get help from someone who has a working
solution with e-mailing for Windows that can be run in scheduled tasks.


Thanks & regards,

Ertan Küçükoğlu


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