[smartmontools-support] USB with idVendor 0x054c Sony Corp.

CESAR MURILO DA SILVA JUNIOR cesarsj at unipam.edu.br
Thu Oct 31 21:06:24 CET 2019

Good day,

I saw a list of supported USB
<https://www.smartmontools.org/wiki/Supported_USB-Devices> that idVendor
0x054c Sony Corp is not supported. Why doesn't it exist? Is there anything
I can do for new existing versions? We have a server with '/' mounted on
this flash drive, and we would like to constantly monitor its health
through smartctl. :(

Our installed smartctl version: smartctl 5.43 2012-06-30 r3573
[x86_64-linux-3.10.17] (local build)

*César Murilo da Silva Júnior*
*Téc. Oper. Monit. Computadores Help Desk | Redes e Segurança*
*UNIPAM - Centro Universitário de Patos de Minas*
*T1: 34 3823 0131 | T2: 34 3823 0120 | T3: 34 3823 0356 | C: 34 9 9220 5680*

*cesarsj at unipam.edu.br <cesarsj at unipam.edu.br>*
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