[smartmontools-support] Long test heavy on I/O

Gandalf Corvotempesta gandalf.corvotempesta at gmail.com
Mon Nov 6 10:55:56 CET 2017

2017-11-06 10:38 GMT+01:00 Bruce Allen <ballen at uwm.edu>:
> This is probably due to a poor SMART implementation in the disk
> firmware.  If you complain to Seagate about it, they might issue a
> firmware update that fixes the issue.  But don't hold your breath.  The
> main focus for most disk manufacturers is data density and read/write
> performance.    SMART features and the quality of their implementation
> is at the bottom of the list of priorities.

A poor SMART implementation in multiple disk modes, with multiple
firmware revisions ?
Pretty strange. Additionally, not all disks are performing this way.
Some other disks (same models)
are good.

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