[Smartmontools-database] Sunplus USB SATA adapter 1bcf:0c31

David Higton dave at davehigton.me.uk
Sat Jan 1 22:43:12 CET 2022

Hi all,

I see that the Sunplus Innovation Technology USB SATA adapter is in the
smartmontools database, but with all question marks, as if almost nothing
is known about it.  This seems surprising to me as it's a very common
chip in low cost USB-SATA adapters available from eBay.

I hooked up a SanDisk SATA device via one of these to my Ubuntu box to
see if I could get S.M.A.R.T info out of the drive, and found that I
could.  The info is definitely different from that from the built-in
SATA drive (no adapter involved), and the device (/dev/sdb) is definitely
the one I plugged in.

So the cursory test suggests it works, which presumably means that the
appropriate commands must be being passed through.

A cursory test is unlikely to be good enough to change the database,
so would you like me to do some more tests?  If so, what?


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