[Smartmontools-database] ATP SATA III aMLC M.2 2242 Embedded SSD

Sharon Chen(陳怡璇_ATP) Sharonchen at tw.atpinc.com
Wed Aug 26 09:47:20 CEST 2020

Dear Sir/Madam,

Good day. I am Sharon, SSD product manager from ATP Electronics. (https://www.atpinc.com/)
I’m writing this mail to ask your kind favor to add ATP SSD smart attribute information into the Trac smartmontools database.
Attached please find the drivedb.h file for your reference and below are the smart attribute details we would like to add:


SSD Model name: ATP SATA III aMLC M.2 2242 Embedded SSD
{ "ATP SATA III aMLC M.2 2242 Embedded SSD",
   "ATP I-Temp M.2 2242",
  "-v 1,raw48,Raw_Read_Error_Count "
    "-v 5,raw48,Reallocated_Sector_Count "
    "-v 9,raw24(raw8),Power_On_Hours "
    "-v 12,raw48,Power_Cycle_Count "
    "-v 14,raw48,Device_Physical_Capacity "
    "-v 15,raw48,Device_User_Capacity "
    "-v 16,raw48,Initial_Spare_Blocks "
    "-v 17,raw48,Remaining_Spare_Blocks_Current "
    "-v 100,raw48,Total_Erease_Count "
    "-v 160,raw48,Uncorrectable_Sector_Count_RW "
    "-v 172,raw48,Total_Block_Erase_Count "
    "-v 173,raw48,Max_Erase_Count "
    "-v 174,raw48,Pwr_Cycle_Ct_Unexpected "
    "-v 175,raw48,Average_Erase_Count "
    "-v 181,raw48,Total_Block_Program_Failure "
    "-v 187,raw48,Reported_Uncorrectable_Errors "
    "-v 194,raw48,Device_Temperature "
    "-v 195,raw48,Hardware_ECC_Recovered "
    "-v 197,raw48,Current_Pending_Block_Count "
    "-v 198,raw48,Offline_Surface_Scan "
    "-v 199,raw48,SATA_FIS_CRC_Errors "
    "-v 202,raw48,PCT_Drive_Life_Used "
    "-v 205,raw48,Thermal_Asperity_Rate_TAR "
    "-v 231,raw48,Controller_Temperature "
    "-v 234,raw48,Total_Sector_Read_from_NAND "
    "-v 235,raw48,Total_Sector_Write_to_Device "
    "-v 241,raw48,Total_Sector_Write_to_NAND "
    "-v 242,raw48,Total_Sector_Read_from_Device "
    "-v 248,raw48,PCT_Drive_Life_Remaining "
    "-v 249,raw48,Spare_Block_Remaining "


Kindly let me know if there are some process we have to finish/go through before we could add this information into database.
Thank you for your help in advance and wishing you a nice day!

Best Regards,

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