[qutebrowser] qutebrowser v3.2.1 released

Florian Bruhin me at the-compiler.org
Tue Jun 25 11:23:04 CEST 2024


I'm happy to announce that qutebrowser v3.2.1 is released.

Other than a tiny bugfix, this release is mostly relevant for macOS and
Windows users, which get the latest Qt including Chromium security
updates. macOS users also finally get an Apple Silicon build!

Note for macOS packagers: Due to the Apple Silicon package being
separate, the files got renamed in the GitHub releases and now have an
architecture suffix:

- qutebrowser-3.2.1-arm64.dmg
- qutebrowser-3.2.1-x86_64.dmg

Full changelog:

# Added

- There is now a separate macOS release built for Apple Silicon. A
  Universal Binary might follow with a later release.

# Changed

- Windows and macOS releases now bundle Qt 6.7.2, which includes security
  fixes up to Chromium 125.0.6422.142.

# Fixed

- When the selected Qt wrapper is unavailable, qutebrowser now again
  shows a GUI error message instead of only an exception in the

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