[qutebrowser] Better nightly builds on CI, state of Qt 6 support, and steps towards v3

Florian Bruhin me at the-compiler.org
Wed Jun 22 15:12:30 CEST 2022


Today I've worked on improving the nightly build support on CI, and
nightly builds are now finally available as individual files instead of
being zipped into one big one.

This means it's now easier for people on macOS and Windows to test the
latest changes before they are released, by simply going to the latest
nightly build and grabbing a macOS/Windows build under "Artifacts":

This now also includes builds of the qt6-v2 branch, and I'd really
welcome having some more testers there! qutebrowser developers (and some
brave[*] users) have been using it as daily driver since a while, and
it's generally regarded to be ready to use. If you are on Linux, there's
mkvenv.py support, Flatpak builds and an Archlinux AUR package available
too, see the issue for all the details:

Please give it a spin and open a new issue if you run into any trouble!

There still is a lot of work to do to actually integrate this into the
master branch and getting qutebrowser v3.0.0 out, but most of the
remaining work is stuff behind the scenes now - from an user's
perspective, the qt6-v2 branch should be pretty much ready.

For the next few weeks, my plan is to get back to merging some PRs, and
regularily rebase the qt6-v2 branch on master to get them in there as
well. I'll also start teaching Python at the university again in
September (until February), so the clock is ticking a bit... I'm hoping
that I'll still be able to work on qutebrowser and get this all wrapped
up on the side though (only teaching two days a week, plus
preparation/admin stuff).

[*] The English word, not the browser ;)


            me at the-compiler.org | https://www.qutebrowser.org 
       https://bruhin.software/ | https://github.com/sponsors/The-Compiler/
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             I love long mails! | https://email.is-not-s.ms/
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