[qutebrowser] Opening editor with Alacritty

Bearcat M. Şándor bearcatsandor at gmail.com
Mon Nov 29 23:31:56 CET 2021

Thank you.  Hunting around on-line, the command *c.editor.command =
["alacritty", "-e", "nvim", "{}", "+call cursor({line}, {column})"]   *seems
to work for people.  In my case the temp file is created, has my content in
it when I save it, but is then deleted when nvim closes.  The text box
never receives anything.  I removed the +call cursor argument, but the
behavior doesn't change.  The temp file has permissions on it such
that qutebrowser should be able to access it.

On Mon, Nov 29, 2021 at 2:02 PM Savoy <savoy at liberation.red> wrote:

> >/usr/bin/alacritty '-e /usr/bin/nvim'
> /tmp/qutebrowser-editor-pc7oapv1  is the
> >command that it's running but of course the single quotes around the -e
> switch
> >shouldn't be there, and alacritty errors out. However, if I remove them
> from my
> >config file which has c.editor.command = ['usr/bin/alacritty', '-e
> /usr/bin/
> >nvim/', '{}'] .  If I change it to  c.editor.command =
> ['usr/bin/alacritty', -e
> >/usr/bin/nvim/, '{}']  the config won't load
> I simply have `c.editor.command = ["alacritty", "-e", "nvim", "{}"].
> For a ShellCommand, every argument and value should be its own string
> within the list in order for python to parse it correctly and run the
> command.
> Absolute paths to the bin aren't necessary, but if you do include them,
> make sure they're correct; `usr/bin/alacritty` is missing the initial
> `/` so it should be `/usr/bin/alacritty`.
> ---
> Prescott

Bearcat M. Şándor
Feline Soul Studio LLC
Voice: 872.CAT.SOUL (872.228.7685)
Fax: 406.235.7070
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