[qutebrowser] qutebrowser v1.1.0 released!

Florian Bruhin me at the-compiler.org
Mon Jan 15 20:31:49 CET 2018


I felt like doing something different from learning for exams for once,
so I decided to cut a quick v1.1.0 release with the current master as a
lot of changes have accumulated since v1.0.0!

This doesn't include various things I've planned for v1.1.0 or many open
pull requests I've ignored so far due to my exams, but hey, nobody keeps
me back from doing a v1.2.0 in a month or so :)

As usual, source and macOS/Windows packages are up, the Debian package
will follow soon™ (but if you're on Debian unstable, you should get it
via the repos anyways).

The full changelog:


- Initial support for Greasemonkey scripts. There are still some rough edges,
  but many scripts should already work.
- There's now a `misc/Makefile` file in releases, which should help
  distributions which package qutebrowser, as they can run something like
  `make -f misc/Makefile DESTDIR="$pkgdir" install` now.
- New fields for `window.title_format` and `tabs.title.format`:
  * `{current_url}`
  * `{protocol}`
- New settings:
  * `colors.statusbar.passthrough.fg`/`.bg`
  * `completion.delay` and `completion.min_chars` to update the completion less
  * `completion.use_best_match` to automatically use the best-matching
    command in the completion.
  * `keyhint.radius` to configure the edge rounding for the key hint widget.
  * `qt.highdpi` to turn on Qt's High-DPI scaling.
  * `tabs.pinned.shrink` (`true` by default) to make it possible
    for pinned tabs and normal tabs to have the same size.
  * `content.windowed_fullscreen` to show e.g. a fullscreened video in the
    window without fullscreening that window.
  * `tabs.persist_mode_on_change` to keep the current mode when
    switching tabs.
  * `session.lazy_restore` which allows to not load pages immediately
    when restoring a session.
- New commands:
  * `:tab-give` and `:tab-take`, to give tabs to another window, or take them
    from another window.
  * `:completion-item-yank` (bound to `<Ctrl-C>`) to yank the current
    completion item text.
  * `:edit-command` to edit the commandline in an editor.
  * `search.incremental` for incremental text search.
- New flags for existing commands:
  * `-o` flag for `:spawn` to show stdout/stderr in a new tab.
  * `--rapid` flag for `:command-accept` (bound to `Ctrl-Enter` by default),
    which allows executing a command in the completion without closing it.
  * `--private` and `--related` flags for `:edit-url`, which have the
    same effect they have with `:open`.
  * `--history` for `:completion-item-focus` which causes it to go
    through the command history when no text was entered. The default bindings for
    cursor keys in the completion changed to use that, so that they can be used
    again to navigate through completion items when a text was entered.
  * `--file` for `:debug-pyeval` which makes it take a filename instead of a
    line of code.
- New `config.source(...)` method for `config.py` to source another file.
- New `{line}` and `{column}` replacements for `editor.command` to position the
  cursor correctly.
- New `qute-pass` userscript as alternative to `password_fill` which allows
  selecting accounts via rofi or any other dmenu-compatile application.
- New `hist_importer.py` script to import history from Firefox/Chromium.


- Some settings got renamed:
  * `tabs.width.bar` -> `tabs.width`
  * `tabs.width.indicator` -> `tabs.indicator.width`
  * `tabs.indicator_padding` -> `tabs.indicator.padding`
  * `session_default_name` -> `session.default_name`
  * `ignore_case` -> `search.ignore_case`
- Much improved user stylesheet handling for QtWebEngine which reduces
  flickering and updates immediately after setting a stylesheet.
- High-DPI favicons are now used when available.
- The `asciidoc2html.py` script now uses Pygments (which is already a dependency
  of qutebrowser) instead of `source-highlight` for syntax highlighting.
- The `:buffer` command now doesn't require quoting anymore, similar to `:open`.
- The `importer.py` script was largely rewritten and now also supports importing
  from Firefox' `places.sqlite` file and Chrome/Chromium profiles.
- Various internal refactorings to use Python 3.5 and ECMAscript 6 features.
- If the `window.hide_wayland_decoration` setting is False, but
  `QT_WAYLAND_DISABLE_WINDOWDECORATION` is set in the environment,
  the decorations are still hidden.
- The `install_dict.py` script for QtWebEngine was renamed to `dictcli.py` and
  can now also upgrade dictionaries correctly.
- `:undo` now can re-open multiple tabs after `:tab-only` was used.
- `:config-write-py` with a relative path now puts the file into the config
- The `qute://version` page now also shows the uptime of qutebrowser.
- qutebrowser now prompts to create a non-existing directory when starting a
- `:jseval --file` now searches relative paths in a `js/` subdir in
  qutebrowser's data dir, e.g. `~/.local/share/qutebrowser/js`.
- The current/default bindings are now shown in the ``:bind` completion.
- Empty categories are now hidden in the `:open` completion.
- Search terms for URLs and titles can now be mixed when filtering the
- The default font size for the UI got bumped up from 8pt to 10pt.
- Improved matching in the completion: The words entered are now matched in any
  order, and mixed matches on URL/tite are possible.
- The system's default encoding (rather than UTF-8) is now used to decode
  subprocess output.
- qutebrowser now ensures it's focused again after an external editor is closed.
- The `colors.completion.fg` setting can now be a list, allowing to specify
  different colors for the three completion columns.


- More consistent sizing for favicons with vertical tabs.
- Using `:home` on pinned tabs is now prevented.
- Fix crash with unknown file types loaded via `qute://help`.
- Scrolling performance improvements.
- Sites like `qute://help` now redirect to `qute://help/` to make sure links
  work properly.
- Fixes for the size calculation of pinned tabs in the tab bar.
- Worked around a crash with PyQt 5.9.1 compiled against Qt < 5.9.1 when using
  `:yank` or `qute://` URLs.
- Fixed crash when opening `qute://help/img`.
- Fixed `gU` (`:navigate up`) on `qute://help` and webservers not handling `..`
  in a URL.
- Using e.g. `-s backend webkit` to set the backend now works correctly.
- Fixed crash when closing the tab an external editor was opened in.
- When using `:search-next` before a search is finished, no warning about no
  results being found is shown anymore.
- Fix `:click-element` with an ID containing non-alphanumeric characters.
- Fix crash when a subprocess outputs data which is not decodable as UTF-8.
- Fix crash when closing a tab immediately after hinting.
- Worked around issues in Qt 5.10 with loading progress never being finished.
- Fixed a crash when writing a flag before a command (e.g. `:-w open `).
- Fixed a crash when clicking certain form elements with QtWebEngine.


- `:tab-detach` has been deprecated, as `:tab-give` without argument can be used


- The long-deprecated `:prompt-yes`, `:prompt-no`, `:paste-primary` and `:paste`
  commands have been removed.
- The invocation `:download <url> <dest>` which was deprecated in v0.5.0 was
  removed, use `:download --dest <dest> <url>` instead.
- The `messages.unfocused` option which wasn't used anymore was removed.
- The `x[xtb]` default bindings got removed again as many users accidentally
  triggered them.



https://www.qutebrowser.org  | me at the-compiler.org (Mail/XMPP)
   GPG: 916E B0C8 FD55 A072  | https://the-compiler.org/pubkey.asc
         I love long mails!  | https://email.is-not-s.ms/
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