GitHub and qutebrowser

Florian Bruhin me at
Thu Feb 26 09:52:38 CET 2015


Since today, GitHub randomly decided to treat qutebrowser (and any
other QtWebKit browser - tried with QupZilla, rekonq and Otter) as an
old version of Safari. It then displays a "Please note that GitHub no
longer supports old versions of Safari." warning bar.

However, that's not all - they also break a lot of functionality like
switching branches, graph view, or editing labels/milestones for

I contacted GitHub support about this, and got this back:

    Thanks for your feedback and I am sorry for the trouble. I can't
    promise this will be resolved, but I have sent your feedback to
    our team for them to consider it.

While this isn't too bad: If you're using GitHub in qutebrowser, can
you please also reach out to their support at and tell them you're having trouble?

If you need a quick workaround, you can do something like:

    :set network user-agent "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/538.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Safari/560.1 Version/8.0.3"

Then everything works like expected...

As soon as I looked at [1] and can actually specify a custom user
agent without hardcoded information, I'll probably add the Version/...
part by default, unless GitHub manages to fix this until then.



-- | me at (Mail/XMPP)
   GPG: 916E B0C8 FD55 A072 |
         I love long mails! |
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