[qutebrowser-announce] Migrating qutebrowser mailinglists to a new provider

Florian Bruhin me at the-compiler.org
Wed Mar 30 18:17:14 CEST 2022


On Mon, Mar 28, 2022 at 02:05:38PM +0200, Florian Bruhin wrote:
> The next step is to actually move over the mailinglist, which will
> happen over the next couple of days.

The move is now finished and the new lists can be found here:


Old links are redirected for the forseeable future, but probably not
forever, so you might want to update any blogposts or such linking to
the archives.

The moderation flag has been lifted, so you can post again.

The main caveat with the migration was that the member migration was
somewhat lossy, in various regards:

- The member list is based on the export I got on Monday, with people
  who subscribed since then added by hand. I haven't seen any
  unsubscribes, but if I accidentally resubscribed someone, apologies!

- As described before, mails which previously bounced off the list are
  now subscribed again. If this results in you getting double mails now,
  you are likely subscribed with multiple adresses and should
  unsubscribe one of them.
  (If you are getting double mails to the same address, you are likely
  subscribed to both qutebrowser and qutebrowser-announce, and should
  unsubscribe one of the two: Mails to qutebrowser-announce@ are always
  cross-posted to qutebrowser@ as well, with qutebrowser@ additionally
  accepting mails by users for questions and such.)

- Member passwords were not transferred. You can request your new
  auto-gererated password (in plaintext, in true Mailman 2 style...) at
  the bottom of the listinfo page listed above and change it, if desired.

- (!) Member options unfortunately couldn't be transferred either. If
  you e.g. prefer to get the mails in digest mode or had any other
  custom options set, you will need to set those again. Apologies for
  that, but given how the mailinglist is rather low-volume, I decided to
  not transfer all those over by hand.

  Special apologies to the two or three people who had the "no mail"
  flag set and are now getting mails again. I planned to set that by
  hand, but in the meantime the old provider already set up the
  redirects including the admin panel, so I can't go there to check who
  that was anymore...

Thanks to Schokokeks and JPBerlin for their cooperation with the move!

If you have any questions or something seems to be broken, please let me


            me at the-compiler.org | https://www.qutebrowser.org 
       https://bruhin.software/ | https://github.com/sponsors/The-Compiler/
       GPG: 916E B0C8 FD55 A072 | https://the-compiler.org/pubkey.asc
             I love long mails! | https://email.is-not-s.ms/
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