[qutebrowser-announce] qutebrowser v2.2.0 released!

Florian Bruhin me at the-compiler.org
Tue Apr 13 17:47:42 CEST 2021


quick follow-up for distribution packagers - there's a regression
causing frequent crashes related to notifications when using GNOME's
legacy notification daemon (e.g. as part of GNOME Flashback, and
possibly MATE/Cinnamon, though I didn't check those).

Here's a patch:

A v2.2.1 will follow in a couple of days or so, I want to wait to see if
there are more issues before doing yet another release (and also things
are a bit busy for the next 2-3 weeks, so it might take longer than

Long story short: You might want to add the patch above to your v2.2.0

Sorry for the trouble!


            me at the-compiler.org | https://www.qutebrowser.org 
       https://bruhin.software/ | https://github.com/sponsors/The-Compiler/
       GPG: 916E B0C8 FD55 A072 | https://the-compiler.org/pubkey.asc
             I love long mails! | https://email.is-not-s.ms/
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