[qutebrowser-announce] CVE-2020-15999: heap overflow in freetype

Florian Bruhin me at the-compiler.org
Wed Oct 21 22:20:58 CEST 2020


Recently, a security issue in freetype made the rounds, as its being
actively exploited in Google Chrome:

QtWebEngine (the backend used by default by qutebrowser) can use either
a system-wide or a bundled freetype.

The binary releases for Windows/macOS are likely affected (as they ship
with a Qt build which comes with a bundled freetype, as far as I can
tell). It looks like there's a fix already merged for Qt 5.15.2:

The release of that is planned for November 3rd - after that, there will
be an updated PyQt release (usually takes 1-2 days or so), and as soon
as that happens I'll be able to release a new qutebrowser release.

As for Linux distributions, I'd hope most of them use a system-wide
freetype which can be updated independently. Archlinux does, I have no
idea about others. If you're using another distro, check via something
like: ldd /usr/lib/libQt5WebEngine.so | grep -i freetype

If you see a line pointing to something like /usr/lib/libfreetype.so.6,
it should be fixed as soon as your distribution updates freetype. If you
don't see such a line, it might be good to open a bug against your
distribution to make the respective package maintainers aware of the


me at the-compiler.org (Mail/XMPP) | https://www.qutebrowser.org 
       https://bruhin.software/ | https://github.com/sponsors/The-Compiler/
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