[qutebrowser-announce] Various qutebrowser annoucements

Florian Bruhin me at the-compiler.org
Mon Jan 9 06:24:02 CET 2017


various little annoucements I have to make:

- The v0.9.0 package for Debian had a packaging bug, it got reuploaded
  with that fixed. If you're using the old one, any error page will
  crash - please redownload and reinstall it.

- Also, I got a lot of crash reports about that without any
  information. I really do read those! :P

- Python 3.6 got released, and at least Archlinux updated.
  If you have a virtualenv set up, you'll need to rebuild it.
  If you use tox, you'll need to use  tox -e py36  now.
  You also should rebuild any Python packages from AUR (pacman -Qm)

- Two tests in test_invocations.py are currently failing on Archlinux.
  If you do a PR and those fail, feel free to ignore them. Haven't had
  time to investigate yet.

- If you get Harfbuzz errors on Archlinux, update to freetype2 2.7.1.
  If you're using infinality, use upstream's freetype2 instead as
  infinality is outdated (and Bohoomil's repo seems to be dead for
  months now)

- I'm busy with exams for the next 4 weeks or so, and will probably
  take some actual holidays without much qutebrowser-work for the two
  weeks after that - so everything will probably be a bit slower until
  mid-February ;)

- On a related note, still no v0.9.0 .dmg until I have time to go to
  the hackerspace and find out what's up with my Mac.

- Social convention dictates me to wish you a happy new year! ;)


http://www.the-compiler.org | me at the-compiler.org (Mail/XMPP)
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