Rules with monitor

Thorsten Wißmann edu at
Thu Jan 22 12:46:13 CET 2015


On Tue, Jan 20, 2015 at 02:35:13PM -0500, Steven Hum wrote:
> I'm doing something wrong here.. I have a simple rule defined as
> hc rule class=Vlc tag=6 monitor=0 focus=on switchtag=on
> Invoking vlc opens it the designated tag but not on the desired monitor 
> -- tag 6 appears on whichever monitor is in focus. 
> "swap_monitors_to_get_tag" is 0 (if value is 1, the tag is not raised).

That is strange, because it seem to work here for:

   herbstclient set swap_monitors_to_get_tag 0
   herbstclient rule class=ASDF tag=6 monitor=0 focus=on switchtag=on once
   xterm -class ASDF

(And it does not work for swap_monitors_to_get_tag = 1).

And I even got it working for VLC. Can you tell me whether the code
above? (Note that the once is just to avoid the rules from being

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